
陳沛嵐 助理教授
電話:(03)8565301 ext. 2936
- 國立中正大學教育學博士
- Design thinking Program, Stanford University, USA
(sponsored by Tzu Chi University) (2017) - Visiting Researcher, Applied Cognitive Science & Curriculum, University of Victoria, Canada
(sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology) (2006-2007) - 台中市賴厝國小實習教師(2001/6~2002/6)
- 課程與教學
- 認知心理學與提問
- 閱讀心理學
- 陳沛嵐(2021)。從師資培育課程落實永續發展教育,台灣教育研究期刊,2(6),79-95。
- 陳沛嵐(2017)。借鏡加拿大觀點之原住民閱讀素養教育分析。中正教育研究, 16(1),頁123-162。
- 郭怡良、林玉雯、陳沛嵐(2017)。不同學習風格物理治療學生對問題導向學習課程之感受。物理治療,42(2),頁73-79。
- 陳沛嵐(2016)。知識結構、同儕提問與交互對話之整合課程模式對師資生課程學習之探究。課程研究,11(2),47-66。
- 陳沛嵐、林清達、劉佑星(2016)。靜思語核心價值之初探。慈濟大學人文社會科學學刊,20,頁53-115。
- 陳沛嵐、黃瑄穎(2016)。圖表閱讀教學對偏鄉國中生閱讀表現影響之研究。教育研究月刊,269,頁78-92。
- 郭怡良、湯麗君、陳沛嵐 (2012)。「問題導向學習」應用於技職物理治療教育之初步嘗試,慈濟技術學院學報,18,137-150。
- Tzeng, Y.-T., & Chen, P.-L. (2006). The effects of causal structure on levels of representation for Chinese children’s narrative comprehension. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 48(2), 115-138. (TSSCI)。
- 陳沛嵐 (2005)。析論台灣課程研究之本土化 — 以博士論文層級為例。課程與教學季刊,8(1),49-68。(TSSCI )。
- 陳沛嵐 (2004)。問問題的想像—找回遺失的問號。課程與教學季刊, 7(2),75-94。(TSSCI)。
- 陳沛嵐 (2012)。十二年國教下原住民教育之展望:來自加拿大經驗的啓發。載於黃正傑主編,十二年國教課程教學改革:理念與方向的期許(pp.101-120)。台北:五南。
- 陳沛嵐、曾玉村 (2009)。腦科學研究的教育觀點。載於蘇永明與方永泉主編,面對未來挑戰的教育發展(pp.155-177)。台北:學富。
- 陳沛嵐 (2007)。打造課程改革的藍海。載於國家教育研究院籌備處主編,批判與超越—華人社會的課程改革(73-84)。台灣:國家教育研究院籌備處。
- Roth, W.-M., Ardenghi, D., Boyer, L., Chen, P.-L., Emad, G., Hsu, P.-L., Jayme, B., Kim, M., Pozzer-Ardenghi, L., Reis, G., Stith, I., & van Eijck, M. (2007). Being, becoming, belonging: Life in an international research group. In: S. Ritchie (Ed.), Research Collaboration: Relationships and practices. (pp.133-158.). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
- Chen, P.-L., Roth, W.-M., & Tzeng, Y.-T. (2007). A micro-view on children’s shared thinking on questions forming. In D. S. McNamara & J. G. Trafton (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
- Chen, P.-L., & Roth, W.-M. (2007). A dynamic process whereby children generate questions. In T. Pelton, G. Reis, & K. Moore (Eds.), Proceedings of CONNECTIONS ‘07 (pp. 11–19). Victoria , BC : University of Victoria.
- Chen, P.-L., Tzeng, Y., & Roth, W.-M. (2007). Impact of reading and developmental factors on children’s questioning representation. In P. J. Gilmer, J. Osborne, J. Shymansky, & J. Tillotson (Eds.), Proceedings of the NARST 2007 Annual Meeting. Reston, VA : National Association for Research in Science Teaching.
- Chen, P.-L. (2007). A cognitive analysis on the outcomes and processes of children’s questioning. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan. (國科會千里馬赴外研究獎助)
- Chen, P.-L. (2001). The effect of hierarchical versus sequential causal structures Children’ representation of narrative texts. Unpublished master’s thesis, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan. (written in Chinese). (國科會碩士論文獎)
- Chen, P. L. (2021.11). The influence of Curriculum Situational Interest on the Pre-service Teachers’ Curriculum Learning, Paper present at 2021 Taiwan Education Research Association, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- 陳沛嵐(2021.10)。師資生的議題學習成效研究,泛太平洋大學聯盟既東區基地教學實踐研究計畫主題研討會,花蓮,台灣。
- Chen, P. L. (2020.7). Develop the brain-targeted and issue-driven reading instruction model to cultivate pre-service teachers’ multi-literac Paper present at the 4thBaltic Sea Conference on Literacy, Tallinn, Estonia.
- Chen, P. L. (2015). Exploring the relationships among students’ family background, learning condition and reading comprehension in aboriginal middle school students. Paper presented at the 19th European Conference on Reading, Klagenfurt, Austria.
- 陳沛嵐、劉佑星 (2014)。靜思語核心價值: 視角與覺知。發表於人文教育與科學教育學術研討會,花蓮:慈濟大學。
- 陳沛嵐、劉佑星 (2013)。靜思語核心價值之調查研究。發表於人文教育與傳播學術研討會,花蓮:慈濟大學。
- Kao, Y. L., Chen, P. L., & Huang, S. H.(2012). Design problem-based learning curriculum for undergraduate physical therapy students in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 2012 International Consortium for Educational Development, Bangkok, Thailand.
- 劉佑星、陳沛嵐 (2012)。慈濟大學師資培育中心靜思語教學之規劃與設計:設計本位研究(DBR)之取向。發表於「各教育階段特色課程」學術研討會,花蓮:慈濟大學。
- Huang, S. J., & Chen, P.-L. (2011). A study on discourse processes between first grade teachers and students in problem solving of addition and subtraction. Paper accepted at the 2011 TERA International Conference on Education, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Chen, P.-L. (2011). The relationships between students’ perception and their learning performance in human learning and cognition. Paper accepted at the 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Chen, P.-L. (2010). The role of students’ characteristics in teaching evaluations. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Psychology Education, Sydney, Australia. (travel grant by NSC)
- Chen, P.-L. (2009). Teaching evaluation of psychology courses. Paper presented at the11th European Congress of Psychology, Oslo, Norway.
- Chen, P.-L., & Tzeng, Y.-T. (2008). Children’s grade, gender, and their questions. Paper accepted at the 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.
- Chen, P.-L. (2007). The creating of the blue sea for curriculum reform. Paper invited to present at Conference for Curriculum Reform of Chinese Society, Sansia, Taiwan. (in Chinese).(travel grant by NAER)
- Chen, P.-L., & Tzeng, Y.-T. (2007). Reading and being mature empower inquiry. Paper presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, Glasgow, Scotland.
- Chen, P.-L., Roth, W.-M., & Tzeng, Y.-T. (2007). Effect of children’s age and role on their questioning types. Round table session presented at the Annual Conference of Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Saskatoon, SK. Canada. (travel grant by TECO)
- Chen, P.-L., Tzeng, Y., & Roth, W.-M. (2007). Impact of reading and developmental factors on children’s questioning representation. Paper presented at NARST 2007 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA. (travel grant by MOE)
- Tzeng, Y.-T., Chen, P.-L., & Chen, M.-L. (2006). Chinese readers’ comprehension of narratives with causal but without anaphoric coherence. Paper presented at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
- Chen, P.-L. (2006). Re-imagine curriculum—Understanding curriculum as life understanding. Paper presented at the Second World Curriculum Studies Conference. Tampere, Finland. (travel grant by MOE)
- Chen, P.-L. (2005). How is domestic knowledge revealed in curriculum studies? Paper presented at the 4th American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies. Montreal, Québec, Canada. (travel grant by MOE)
- Tzeng, Y.-T., & Chen, P.-L. (2004). The role of causal structures on levels of representation for Chinese narratives comprehension. Paper accepted at 28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, China.
- Chen, P.-L., & Tzeng, Y. (2003). The role of causal structures on levels of representation for children’s narratives comprehension. Paper presented at the 42nd Chinese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan. (written in Chinese).
- 陳沛嵐(2021)。教學實踐研究成果報告:以議題-理解取向之議題學習模組促進師資師生議題思考之素養。
- 陳沛嵐(2021)。疫情下課程與教學的危機與契機。慈濟大學師資培育中心教育實習輔導通訊,64,2-5。
- 陳沛嵐(2020)。教學實踐研究成果報告:課程市集:師資生逗陣串門子。
- 陳沛嵐(2019)。教學實踐研究成果報告:以腦科學導向的教學原則結合議題融入課程之閱讀教學模組培養師資生多元素養。
- 陳沛嵐(2018)。教育部補助開設環境教育師資培育課程成果報告-以教育議題專題為例。
- 陳沛嵐(2018)。史丹佛的設計思考課: 新世界/心養分。慈濟大學師資培育中心教育實習輔導通訊,62,3-5。
- 陳沛嵐(2017)。教育部補助開設環境教育師資培育課程成果報告-以教育議題專題為例。
- 陳沛嵐(2017)。人類學習與認知之創新教學成果報告。
- 陳沛嵐(2015)。生涯與職業資訊分析與應用之創新與特色教學成果報告。
- 陳沛嵐(2015)。閱讀從此岸到彼岸。慈濟大學師資培育中心教育實習輔導通訊,46,3-9。
- 108學年度教師教學優良,慈濟大學
- 106學年度北二區_教學創新課程競賽_佳作,慈濟大學
- 105、106 研究論文獎
- 104、106創新與特色教學獎助
- 103 教學優良獎
計畫年度 | 計畫名稱 | 委託機構 | 起訖年月 | 計畫擔任的工作 |
110 | 教育部教學實踐研究計畫:成長型心態融入師資培育課程-以設計思考的課程為例 | 教育部 | 110.08.01~111.07.31 | 主持人 |
109 | 教育部教學實踐研究計畫:以議題-理解取向之議題學習模組促進師資生議題思考之素養 | 教育部 | 109.08.01~110.07.31 | 主持人 |
108 | 教育部教學實踐研究計畫:課程市集:師資生逗陣串門子 | 教育部 | 108.08.01~109.07.31 | 主持人 |
107 | 教育部教學實踐研究計畫:以腦科學導向的教學原則結合議題融入課程之閱讀教學模組培養師資生多元素養 | 教育部 | 107.08.01~108.07.31 | 主持人 |
107 | 教育部補助師資培育之大學開設環境教育師資培育課程計畫 | 教育部 | 107.08.01~108.01.31 | 主持人 |
106 | 教育部補助師資培育之大學開設環境教育師資培育課程計畫 | 教育部 | 106.08.01~107.01.31 | 主持人 |
103 | 閱讀議題一:合作式閱讀教學融入提問策略與文化知識之規劃與實踐 -以偏鄉地區原住民中學生為例 | 國科會 | 103.01.01~103.12.31 | 主持人 |
102 | 慈濟大學教學卓越計畫5.4.4-師資生人文與專業知能賦能(1) | 教育部 | 102.01.01~102.12.31 | 主持人 |
101 | 靜思語教學課程的規劃與實踐研究~以設計本位的觀點為主 | 慈濟基金會 | 101.10.01~103.09.30 | 共同主持人 |
101 | 閱讀研究議題二:閱讀困難學童閱讀文句時的斷詞與認詞 | 國科會 | 101.08.01~102.07.31 | 共同主持人 |
101 | 教育部慈濟大學教學卓越計畫-教育優先區學生增能(2) | 教育部 | 101.01.01~102.12.31 | 主持人 |
100 | 教育部慈濟大學教學卓越計畫-教育優先區學生增能(1) | 教育部 | 100.01.01~100.12.31 | 主持人 |
100 | 問題導向學習於大學物理治療教育之應用與評估 | 國科會 | 100.08.01~101.07.31 | 共同 |
95 | 圖像閱讀與問題表徵之認知分析 | 國科會 | 95.07.01~96.06.30 | 主持人 |